
    Hair Care Tips for Everyone

    You must have experienced Bad Hair Day, haven’t you? The day when we must go out somewhere and our hair is not in its original form, that is, it looks bad, then it is called Bad Hair Day in common language. Have you ever wondered why it is bad hair day? Our hair usually looks bad even though it doesn’t seem to have the bounce and flexibility that is often shown in TV commercials. Truth be told, only a few hair care products shown in advertisements are true. Some hair fall oil made of natural ingredients can make a huge difference in your hair care and reduces hair problems.

    Important Hair Care Tips

    There are also some other hair care tips, with the help of which you can keep your hair healthy, shiny, strong and dandruff free.

    1. Massage Oil

    Oil massage is such a magical thing that it is easy to do. It promotes blood circulation [5] to the hair and scalp and strengthens the hair. If you wish, you can massage the hair and scalp with coconut oil, mustard oil, olive, almond, or castor oil.

    2. Hair Serum

    Hair Serum brings life to your lifeless dry hair and adds shine to the hair. Tangled hair gets detangled easily and hair breakage is less. It also protects our hair from external pollution.

    3. Prevention of Pollution

    Pollution is not at all good for the hair, due to this hair fall, dryness becomes lifeless and their shine also disappears. Infection in the scalp, itching, and dandruff can also be the reason.

    4. Trimming Is Necessary

    Regular hair trimming is essential, it helps to keep split ends and hair breakage is less.

    5. Avoid Hot Water

    Hot water weakens the hair roots and leads to breakage. The moisture of the hair is also lost and the hair becomes lifeless. Therefore, it is always right to wash the hair with normal water or lukewarm water only.

    6. Do not wash hair everyday

    Many people think that washing the hair daily keeps the hair healthy, whereas the truth is that washing the hair daily reduces the natural oil of the hair and loses the moisture of the hair. Hair becomes lifeless and shine disappears. So avoid washing your hair more than twice a week.

    7. Cover the head

    As soon as you step out of the house, your hair has to face the strong rays of the sun, pollution. It adversely affects your hair, so cover your hair with a cotton cloth or cap while leaving the house.

    8. Do not use on hair

    Your hair is very delicate, so avoid using it in a variety of ways. These days there are many chemical-rich products available in the market, the use of which can weaken the hair by adversely affecting its softness. Avoid using them.

    We can also try home remedies to take proper care of our hair which not only give shine to your hair but also keep it healthy. You do not need to go to any beauty parlour for hair care, there are many such amazing things in your home but in your kitchen which are being used for centuries. The special thing is that there is no chemical in them which usually suits everyone’s hair.

    1. Lemon for Russians

    Coconut oil nourishes the hair and when mixed with lemon juice [1] can prove to be a panacea for dandruff. This is such a home remedy, which has been going on since the time of grandmothers. This is the conditioning of the hair. Happens also. If you want, you can also use olive oil instead of coconut oil. It also works wonderfully on the hair and along with providing full nutrition to your hair, it also eliminates dandruff from the root.

    Mode of Use

    First, take 2 spoons of coconut oil / olive oil and mix it with 2 spoons of lemon juice. Now gently massage it on your hair and scalp with a light hand. Leave it on for about 20 minutes after massaging and then wash the hair with shampoo. Its regular use will remove dandruff from your hair instantly and gives shine to your hair as well as volume. If you want, you can apply lemon juice on the hair after shampoo and dry the hair with a towel, it is a great therapy for lifeless hair.

    2. Curd for Hair

    Dandruff also ends by applying curd to the hair and it also gives hydration to the hair. Plays an important role in hair growth and makes hair soft and shiny.

    Mode of Use

    Apply some curd on the scalp along with your hair. Note that the curd should be applied in equal quantity all over the hair and scalp properly. Leave it on for about 1 hour and let it dry. After that wash off with shampoo. It provides hydration to the hair. For hair growth, mix egg and mayonnaise in yogurt. And if you want soft and shiny hair, then mix equal quantity of honey with curd and apply on the hair. This is a panacea treatment for dry hair.

    3. Lotus Flower Conditioner

    Very few of us would know that the lotus flower is amazing. It is a great conditioner for hair, which provides nourishment to the hair and keeps it soft.

    Mode of Use

    Bring lotus flower home and pluck its petals. Grind it in a mixer and apply this mixture on the hair. Leave this mixture on the hair for some time and then wash the hair with plain water. It is such a natural medicine, which has a magical effect on your hair and keeps your hair healthy.

    4. Exfoliate the Sculpture

    You must have heard about skin exfoliator by now but hair exfoliator [2] is also available in the market, using which the dead skin of the hair gets easily removed and your hair becomes healthy. It also gets rid of dandruff and keeps the scalp healthy along with the hair.

    5. Eucalyptus Oil

    Eucalyptus oil is not only good for the skin but also for the hair. It has anti-bacterial properties that remove any kind of infection and provide shine to the hair. Not only this, even if you have hair fall, eucalyptus oil will help you to reduce it and eliminate it gradually.

    Mode of Use

    Since essential oils are thick, you should apply eucalyptus oil to your hair without mixing any other oil. To bring shine to your hair and prevent it from falling, mix eucalyptus oil with olive oil and apply it on your hair. It opens the pores of the scalp and provides nourishment to the roots. The hair is thick too.

    6. Neem Oil for Dandruff

    If you want treatment for dandruff, then neem works 100% correctly for this. If you want, you can massage the head with neem oil, it eliminates the dandruff by driving away the accumulated dandruff on the hair and scalp. Just a few drops of it do wonders.

    Mode of Use

    If you want, you can also apply it directly on your hair and scalp. Apply it on the hair a few hours before shampooing and then wash. It will also eliminate itching from your scalp.

    What to Eat for Hair Care?

    We try all kinds of products for hair care, home remedies are also adopted but have you ever thought about your diet? Have you thought that the effect of our food and drink also affects our hair? If your answer is no, then know that our food and drink also affect our hair. If your answer is yes but still you do not take the right diet keeping in mind your hair, then start taking it from today itself.

    1. For Oily Hair

    People with oily hair either shampoo their hair frequently or hide their hair in braids to fix their hair. Whereas the truth is that by including some special things in your diet, you can get rid of oily hair to a great extent.

    Vitamins B and E:

    Vitamins B and E are very important for our hair. They not only make our hair strong and beautiful but also regularize the excess oil released. This makes your hair look better. Vitamin B and E are found in abundance in green leafy vegetables, fruits, sunflower seeds, nuts etc. If you are a non-vegetarian, you can also eat fish and chicken.


    Along with this, our body also needs zinc. If you include zinc-rich food in your diet, it fights the excess oil in your body. Oats, shellfish, and eggs contain zinc, which you can easily consume.


    Having oily hair does not mean at all that you should stop eating fats. Fats are as important for our body as others. Yes, you can regulate saturated and trans fight. Margarine, butter, and animal fats are trans fats that freeze at room temperature and can be identified as follows. Instead, you can eat “good” fats like nuts, vegetable oils, and some types of fish.

    2. For dry hair


    Iron promotes the growth of hair follicles. So, if your hair is dry, then it is obvious that there will be breakage too. In this case, iron strengthens your hair. Spinach, dates, curry leaves and pomegranate are rich in iron, which should be included in your diet.

    Vitamin D:

    Recent research suggests that vitamin D plays an important role in hair growth. It is naturally present in mushrooms. Apart from this, you can include vitamin D in your diet by consuming milk, soy milk and yogurt. Otherwise, vitamin D supplements come at the chemist shop, which you can take.

    Omega 3:

    If you want to make your dry hair soft, then start taking Omega 3 from today itself. Omega 3 is abundant in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel [4] and sardines. Apart from this, green leafy vegetables, chia, walnuts are also excellent sources of omega 3.


    Biotin is also called vitamin B8 in common language. Its consumption is recommended for the strength of hair and nails. Hair loss starts due to deficiency of biotin. Eggs, milk, soy, hazelnuts, and mushrooms contain biotin, so it is important to consume them.

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